What Is eBay Arbitrage And Can You Really Make Money With It?

Dave Espino

In some of my eBay seminars and workshops, I’ve taught a simple version of “ebay arbitrage”.

Arbitrage is an economic term that is defined as:

The practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets.

Put simply, it means buying low in one market and selling higher in another market. (for example, you might buy an item on eBay and resell it on Amazon.com)

On eBay, there are various ways to do this. For example, you can search eBay titles for misspelled items. When you do this, you are benefiting from the fact that the misspelled item will not show up in eBay’s search results when someone types in the correct spelling for that item.

You can use misspelling search tools like www.FatFingers.com or www.GoofBay.com to find bargains that are misspelled on eBay.

Buy these items up and resell them with correct spellings and you’ve just made money!

Another arbitrage technique is to buy lots. A lot is simply a group of identical items. By buying a lot on eBay, you can get a better deal because the only people bidding on that lot are resellers and there are less of them on eBay than there are of consumer buyers for that item.

Buying lots is a good way to make money on eBay but there are even more advanced arbitrage strategies.

For example, if you know what to look for, you can seek out listings that have been mis-listed. (meaning the sellers have left out crucial information from the title or the description in their listings) When you find an item that has been mis-listed, you can go ahead and buy that item, and then relist it correctly, thus making the full amount possible on that item.

Before you dismiss this as some penny-ante technique, understand that you can do this with high-end items and be profiting to the tune of hundreds of dollars per item by reinvesting your profits into bigger and better items.

When you take this strategy and use it on various websites, such as craigslist, Amazon and eBay, now you can begin to use arbitrage at the next level.

I recently reviewed a multi-media training course about eBay arbitrage called The eBay Auction Arbitrage Secret and I’ve been impressed by the number of different ways there are to use eBay arbitrage to make money.

In this combination of eBook and videos the author. Pete Bruckshaw shows real-world scenarios where he has profited over and over again by using these strategies on eBay.

In fact, he consistently makes between $100 and $300 PER TRANSACTION using these strategies!

I won’t go on and on about it – I’d rather you read about it yourself and get your FREE copy of the introduction to his special report by clicking here.

Take a look – this product has my full recommendation and I think you’ll like what you see!