May 2, 2014

Are Entrepreneurs Misunderstood? How To Understand The Entrepreneur In Your Life


Let’s face it, entrepreneurs are a different breed altogether.

We don’t do things the way everyone else does things.

We are often stubborn in making our dreams come true.

We long for the freedom of owning our own business and can’t stand the idea of being “restricted” by being stuck in a job…

But this entrepreneur mentality often creates unique situations among our family and friends because they cannot understand us – they can’t begin to “get” what we are trying to accomplish because, often, they’ve been programmed to think differently – more “normal”.

In society at large, it’s even worse, as regulatory agencies and bureaucracies unwittingly conspire against the entrepreneur. (In many cases, they aren’t being malicious, it’s just that they tend to treat entrepreneurs with the same broad brush that they treat 9 – 5ers.

Within pop culture, the entrepreneur is often portrayed as greedy at best and a crook, at worst. Try to think of a movie that features an entrepreneur in a positive light – it’s pretty hard to think of one, isn’t it?

Today, if you’re an entrepreneur, you’re almost an outcast – someone on the fringes who is to be dismissed or at best, ignored rather than supported.

That is the ultimate irony because, entrepreneurs are the dreamers – they are the people who built this Country!

When America was formed, most everyone owned a small business and a very small percentage of Americans were employees.

Today, it’s the opposite – today, the employee is given all the perks and the entrepreneurs have to fend for themselves.

I ran across a great article written by Kevin Daum on that helps us understand the “psychology” of the entrepreneur.

Check out the article here:





What Are The Personality Traits Of A Great Business Leader?


In my never-ending quest for business knowledge and self-improvement, I discovered Jim Rohn, who I consider to be one of my top “mentors-from-afar”, Jim Rohn. (Unfortunately, Jim passed away a few years ago – that was a sad day for me and many others who followed his advice)

Jim Rohn was a business leader who was best known for his down-to-earth principles for success.

Jim’s common sense approach to success flew in the face of many of the more “esoteric” approaches – Jim’s strategies were good, simple and easy to follow.

Jim Rohn is one of the few people I would recommend to anyone wanting to build a good business on solid, foundational principles. You can find his training materials at:

Recently, I found this article by Jim on the Success Magazine website and thought I would share in the hopes that you will get a small sample of the great man that was Jim Rohn.

The article is titled: 7 Personality Traits Of A Great Leader and you can find it here:

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