Affiliate Marketing Tip – Don’t Recommend Products That Suck – Daily Hustle #58

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to develop an ongoing, passive income.

I’ve been an affiliate in one way or another since 1999 and I love it.

With affiliate marketing, you recommend a company’s products on a referral basis by using a specific link that is coded to you.

One of the most important things you can do is be sure that you are ONLY promoting products that are solid, of high integrity and proven to work for your audience.

It is important, because if you don’t run affiliate products through a set of filters like this, then you run the risk of possibly promoting a bad product and therefore, negatively impacting your reputation with your audience.

Watch today’s video here:



Learn more about Affiliate Marketing in Dave’s course here:

Be sure that you are always promoting good stuff and you’ll soon be building an ongoing, solid business.

Reason #91 To Work From Home – Nap When You Need To Nap – Daily Hustle 57

Ahh, nap time!

That hold over from kindergarten – what a sweet, refreshing time it can be.

When you have your own home based business, YOU get to decide when you need a nap and when to take a nap.

This refreshing practice can reinvigorate you, clear your mind and relax you so that you can get back to the hustle in a new, fresh way.

The cool thing is, you get to decide when to take one!

Watch today’s video here:


This book shows you the top 5 legit ways to start an online business:

Start A Zero Investment Business With Blogging & Google Adsense – Daily Hustle 56

Google Adsense is a free program that allows you to run ads on your blog or website.

This provides an easy way to monetize your blog.

Watch today’s video here:



I’ve been making money with Google Adsense for many years and it is so easy to do.

Google will populate your blog with ads that are relevant to your audience and all you do is add a few lines of code to your pages!

As advertisers pay Google for advertising and Google then runs those ads on your pages, Google will share some of that ad revenue with you.

This is a super-simple way to make money by writing about your favorite topics / passion.

Learn more about the Google Hacks course here:

Envisioning & Creating Your New Normal – Daily Hustle #55

Before you can level up in life, you first have to envision your “new normal”.

It starts in your mind first.

You begin by clearly seeing the goal and the vision that is closely aligned with your life’s mission and then begin making plans to bring those things to life.

The better you can execute your plan, the faster you will get there.

Watch today’s Daily Hustle video here:


A new normal is possible for just about anyone – you just have to see it, want it badly and go after it.

Don’t Talk About Things Until You Own Them – Daily Hustle #54

There’s an old saying: “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” and this saying is basically saying, don’t count on things to happen until they have actually happened.

Especially in this day and age, when change is the main constant, we need to be careful not to talk about things until we OWN those things.

Watch today’s video here:


Today’s video is all about that and how important it is to our credibility and long term integrity to not count our chickens before they hatch!


Recently, I was approached by a start up online learning company to run their business because the founders were too busy running their own companies to give it the time it deserved.

In this video, we discuss NOT talking about possible deals like this, until they actually happen.

This will help your integrity and reputation to remain intact.

[VIDEO] Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners – Daily Hustle #52

Watch today’s video here:


Check out my Affiliate Marketing course here:

Affiliate marketing is a proven way to start a business with ZERO money invested.

In fact, you could start with a free blog or even just by creating a free Facebook Group in your chosen niche topic.

There are people making a healthy living with affiliate marketing all the way up to those who are making tens of thousands a month with affiliate marketing.

In this video, I share a few ways to get started and share from my own real-world experiences in affiliate marketing.

I’ve been an affiliate marketer for about 17 years and made some of my first affiliate commissions starting in about 1999.

This is – even today – a substantial income stream for me and a very real and legitimate way to start your own online business from home with little to no investment up front.

Check out my Affiliate Marketing course here:

[VIDEO] Focus On Multiple Streams Of VALUE – Daily Hustle 51

The phrase “multiple streams of income” is common in the world of internet marketing.

We are to strive to build several income streams so as to diversify our income and not “put all our eggs in one basket”.

This makes complete sense and I am all for having multiple streams of income – it’s a good concept on its own.

However, what is often not said when talking about multiple streams of income is that we must first provide multiple streams of “VALUE” in order to plant the seeds that will turn into income.

Watch today’s video here:



Income does not happen in a vacuum and by sowing the right seeds, fertilizing them and planting in season, we will reap the best rewards.

The way we sow the right seeds is by providing lots of value to our audience and showing them that we are worthy of their trust and their business.

By doing this, we develop a flowing system of giving value and receiving income in exchange for that value.

As long as you develop an ongoing flow of value given, you can expect an ongoing (and growing flow of income received!

It’s Not All About The Grind – It’s About THIS – Daily Hustle 50

Watch today’s Daily Hustle video here:



Grind, grind, grind – it’s the word of choice among entrepreneurs or wanna be entrepreneurs nowadays!

But “The Grind” is only useful to you if you use “leveraged, focused action” and refuse to “trade hours for dollars” in your business.

Work hard at the right things (and in the right business models) and you won’t have to work hard for long.

Your “grinding” days will be over and you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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The Art Of Sitting Still – Daily Hustle #49

Watch today’s video here:



Today, we talk about the value in sitting still and having quiet time for yourself and to think about your business.

You don’t ever want to fall into the trap of working IN your business when you should be working ON your business.

Today’s Daily Hustle video discusses the immense value in having quiet time for prayer, meditation or just plain brainstorming.


Social Media Time-Sucks – Guard Your Attitude & Momentum – Daily Hustle 48

Watch today’s video here:



Social Media can be a mixed blessing. On one hand, you can reach thousands of people with a single post and on the other hand, it can suck up your time like nobody’s business!

In this episode, we talk about how to reduce “social media time-sucks” so you can be as productive as possible AND maintain momentum and attitude at high levels.

Be sure to subscribe to the Daily Hustle videos here:

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