Dave’s 10 Home Based Business Success Secrets

I want to give you ten success secrets that will help you build an awesome mindset, attitude and business this year and beyond.

These are secrets that I have gained through years of experience and years of studying success in business!


Let’s begin:

1. Create a healthy attitude toward wealth!

Successful people believe that wealth is not a limited resource.

They actually know that wealth is an unlimited resource and that there is all kinds of wealth to go around!

Dave’s 10 Home Based Business Success SecretsThey have an abundance mentality that says, “Someone else does not have to lose in order for me to win”.

Unsuccessful people believe that wealth is a zero-sum game – they believe that if one person makes a lot of money, that person is automatically taking money away from the rest of us.

Obviously, nothing could be further from the truth, but you would be amazed how many people actually believe this!


2. Enjoy And Love The Fact That You Are An Entrepreneur

You know, it’s kind of sad that entrepreneurs and business people are often portrayed in the movies and on T.V. as the “greedy, crooked, bad guys” who will do anything for money.

The reality is that most entrepreneurs know that in order to succeed in business, they must serve people and do a great job at it or they will not stay in business very long!

The other interesting thing about being an entrepreneur is that it can be a very lonely life; very few people can relate to you because they live in a different world!

They live in the world of the 9 to 5er… They live in the “wage-slave” mentality and it is radically different from the entrepreneur mentality!

You need to be PROUD of being a business person and providing a value to society!


3. Build In Yourself Tremendous Courage Against The Odds

As an entrepreneur, you are by nature a courageous person!

You take calculated risks in order to succeed.

You fight the odds every day – and win.

You eat, live and breathe your business, because no one else will!

So, work daily to build your courage and to build the will to win… You do this by feeding your mind great, positive and encouraging stuff: positive CDs, positive books and positive information about other successful entrepreneurs!

4. Have A Vision For Your Near-Term And Long-Term Future

If there’s one thing entrepreneurs have, it is vision.

They have the ability to see the future before they manifest it.

They can see clearly their goals and the steps necessary to reach those goals.

Don’t ever lose your vision and your goal-setting processes; these are the keys to making you a success!


5. Be Action-Oriented

If there’s anything that I can credit some of my success to, it is that I am action-oriented. I’ve always had a bias toward taking action – even if it’s the wrong action – even wrong actions can get you closer to your goals than no action!

Do not be intimidated by large goals or by large dreams.

Know that you can do them, if you take them one step at a time!

Break down each goal into its smaller steps and you will begin to see yourself winning!

Jump on opportunities, if they feel right – take action, it is a great vaccine against the “paralysis of analysis”!


6. Successful Entrepreneurs Want To Be Somebody

You want to be somebody for what it turns you into, not necessarily for what it looks like to those around you.

You are a leader because you are internally driven and do not care what other people think about you – you are sure of your direction in life while most people are not.

You learn how to succeed in spite of your shortcomings – it’s what successful entrepreneurs do!


7. Be Certain About The Good You Are Doing For Society

Here’s a simple entrepreneurs formula: The more people you benefit, the more money you will make!

As a successful eBay seller, you are putting people in touch with products that they are searching for.

Your ability to do this in a smooth, safe and efficient manner will benefit that person.

The more people you benefit, the more money you will make!

This principle applies even more to other businesses you may undertake – no business lasts very long if they are not serving their customers!!

8. Finish What You Start!

If you’ve decided that you want to start a home based business, then I recommend that you finish what you started and become the successful home based entrepreneur you envisioned when you laid out that goal.

Successful entrepreneurs take action and they don’t stop there – they continue taking action!

They are not easily intimidated or discouraged; they keep going and going and going after their goals!!


9. Have Integrity And Do What’s Right – Because It’s Right!

Here’s another wealth principle: Long-term business success will only come to those who have high integrity and do not cheat people.

The history books are littered with people who cut corners and cheated people or bent the rules in their favor and crashed and burned as a result.

Even if you are not a religious person, it is important to understand that doing what’s right is the best thing to do in business simply because it is good business to do so.

Doing what’s right will keep you in business while others simply die on the vine.

10. Achievers Make NO EXCUSES!

An achiever knows it is going to take action – and lots of it – in order to make it in business.

They know, going in, that building a business may not be an easy walk in the park, but they dedicate themselves, plan their work and then work their plan.

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do in business is to stay disciplined and do what you know you need to do!

As an achiever, you will work when others quit, you will take action while others rest and you will never, ever quit!

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