Dave Espino’s Craigslist Success Tip – How To Make Money With Craigslist

Dave Espino’s Craigslist Success Tip – How To Make Money With CraigslistAccording to a study released about a year ago, by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, half of all adults who use the Internet in the U.S. now rely on classified ad sites such as craigslist.

The same study said that use of classified ad sites has increased faster than almost every other online activity, including online banking, travel booking, and shopping on ecommerce sites like Amazon.com.

Since craigslist gets about 93% of all traffic to classified ad sites (with about 46.5 million visitors, according to ComScore)

Some more interesting statistics in this study are that classified ad sites are generally used by a younger demographic, typically between ages 18 and 49, with most users being college graduates with an annual income above $50,000.

Many reporters covering this study have stated that craigslist appears to be enjoying a level of popularity that eBay did during its growth years; and I would tend to agree. (I often call craigslist®: “eBay’s little brother”!)

So here’s my latest Craigslist success tip:

“Even though eBay is the well-established 900 pound gorilla in the e-commerce world, don’t ignore craigslist as an excellent source of low cost products to resell”


Just as I teach you in “How To eBay Your Way To Fast Cash” video training, I currently have a variety of different ads on craigslist.

One of the products that I advertise for is a health-related product that people with this health issue have many extra boxes of.

I’ve been able to buy dozens of these boxes for as little as $5 to $10 each using my craigslist ad, and sell them on eBay for as much as $25 each. (for a 150% to 400% profit!)

Recently, I purchased a collectible skateboard from one of my craigslist ads. This skateboard was actually used in a recent movie and was collectible both as a movie prop, and as a piece of skateboarding history.

I bought the skateboard for $125 on craigslist and sold it for $250 on eBay!

I could go on and on with examples of how I’ve successfully used craigslist to buy products low and turn around and sell them for much more on eBay. And remember, this is just one of the craigslist techniques that I teach in “How To eBay Your Way To Fast Cash”!

So my goal is to encourage you to use the techniques and strategies that have taken me years to discover and develop so that you too could make all the money you need to take care of yourself, your family and your friends!

Get all the details about “How To eBay Your Way To Fast Cash” – Click here.

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