How To Achieve Your eBay Goals In 2013

Goals – Begin With The End In Mind

All successful people do this – they begin with the end in mind. They see success and their desired end result before they ever begin their project.

In fact, you could almost draw a parallel with how much this skill relates to personal success.

Those who have the ability to begin with the end in mind can “see” their success ahead of time and can continue to strive toward that “picture”; the end result that they see so clearly.

Of course, it is entirely possible that you could lose that picture through lack of focus or lack of desire for that outcome but that is entirely up to you and your own ability to hold on to that thought of success.

Think about it, in your job, who are the highest paid people at the top of the corporate ladder?

I would suggest that many of them are not the most talented when it comes to the nuts and bolts of manufacturing, technology or the day-to-day operations of the company, but many of the top corporate executives and entrepreneurs ARE able to think and plan and visualize the successful execution of a larger goal. In fact, some of the better ones could be called “visionaries”.

A great example of a visionary is Walt Disney. I remember reading a great story about Mr. Disney… (paraphrased)

Mr. Disney passed away during the construction of Tomorrowland.

The story goes that at the Grand Opening of Tomorrowland, Mrs. Disney was asked, “Isn’t it too bad that Walt can’t be here to see this?”

To which Mrs. Disney assured them, “He has seen it.”

See, Walt Disney had seen it – way before construction even began on that project.

He had a clear, concise picture in his mind of what he wanted to accomplish and then set the wheels in motion to create his vision.

What do you want to accomplish in 2013?

Do you have a clear, concise mental picture of what you want?

Is it laser-tuned specific or is it vague and general?

Have you taken time to write out all of your game plan for 2013 – and beyond?

Do it today!

Game Planning For Success

The word “Goals” and the practice of writing goals down is almost a cliché nowadays.

As you know, I am a student of success in business and have attended hundreds of seminars, read thousands of books and listened to days of audios and videos on success. I know the power of goal setting and the effect that it has had on my success.

However, I believe there is something even more powerful than goal setting and I call it “Game planning”.

If you have any experience in sports, then you have a clear idea of what I’m talking about.

It has more to do with the actual strategy and logistics of what you want to accomplish than the actual end result itself.

In sports we call these “plays” or, put more simply, the steps you must execute in order to reach the goal line or to win the game.

Game planning involves goal setting but takes it to the next step. This next step is one of actually creating a plan to accomplish the end result (goal) and a timeline in which to accomplish each step. It is literally a step-by-step plan of accomplishment!

This is the way the mind responds best to a goal – it must have a plan to get to its goal and then – everything moves a LOT more smoothly!

Take some time TODAY. (no procrastinating, remember it’s a New Year – Just do it!)

Set your eBay business game plan and develop strategies to accomplish your end result.

By having A PLAN in place, (it doesn’t have to be perfect) you will more easily move forward and you know what? Moving forward is the very first step to success.

It is the ability to get yourself off of square one that is probably the most important step – once you do that, you have forward momentum and it is much easier to keep going than it is to stop! – Get on it!

Include Your Family And Friends In Your Game Plans For This Year

You need to know something.

All this talk about success in business will be utterly worthless if you don’t have family and friends to share it with.

I believe that you can spend all of your time building success and that, at the end of the day, if you don’t have loved ones to share your excitement and wealth with, it will all be hollow.

The real joy in life is in healthy, fulfilling, well-balanced relationships – relationships with God, Family, Friends and Associates.

My last (but certainly not least) recommendation for success in 2013 is that you work hard to build or enrich these important relationships in your life.

I realize that some of your friends or family may not understand or even support your business goals and that’s ok.

You still need to be able to Game Plan time with God, time with your family, time with your friends and yes, even time with your employees or people you work with!

By doing this, you will be extracting more “juice” out of life.

You will enjoy your life a lot more and you will have richness to your life that few other people do. It will add dimension to your monetary success and will make your life much fuller.

Just stop and think about financially successful people who isolated themselves:

  • Elvis Presley
  • Howard Hughes
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Jim Morrison
  • Marylyn Monroe
  • etc.

These people were rich and famous but, because they isolated themselves from people, they ended up among some of the tragedies of history.

Be sure you make time to be with friends and family – at the end of the line, our relationships will far out value our business net worth.

How to get anything you want – friendship, travel, love, money, property, cars – for FREE, on Craigslist!

I just interviewed a pretty amazing person who has been using Craigslist creatively to build an interesting lifestyle and I was fortunate to capture the interview on audio for you! (

Ryan Hightower is a creative thinker who has managed to use Craigslist to live a lifestyle that many of us would envy, especially in this dire economy and he’s done it mostly for FREE and ALL through Craigslist!

He is living what I call the “Craigslist Lifestyle”, which simply means he has figured out all kinds of creative ways to enjoy life by giving other people what they want, so he can get what he wants.

If you’ve ever seen the movie “Craigslist Joe”, in which a guy plans a cross-country trip that will be completely taken care of by people he meets on Craigslist, then you have a bit of an idea of what I’m describing, except that Ryan has taken that concept to a whole new level and turned it into a lifestyle!

What Ryan does is set up “Win-Win” scenarios that end up giving him all kinds of things that are either free or paid for through his deals.

I found his book to be a real eye-opener and is a powerful way to open your mind to all kinds of creative ways to do deals without using money, which is what we commonly think of as the currency of choice.

Here’s a link to the interview – go check it out!






eBay Tips – How To Add A Link To Your Other eBay Listings Within Your eBay Listing

One of my subscribers recently asked me how to add a link to my other listings to an eBay listing.

I often teach this as a way to cross-promote and cross-sell all your items which has several benefits:

1. It will increase your ending auction prices as more of your visitors check out your other listings
2. It will often increase the number of multiple purchases by one customer, which saves on shipping / handling time and
3. It will increase how quickly you sell fixed price items

All great benefits, wouldn’t you agree?

Check out the video where I walk you step-by-step through the process.

Once you do this, you’ll want to be sure to do it to ALL your listings and watch your sales go up!

Vintage Video Game Collection Sells For Over $1 Million!

You tell me – is there money to be made in vintage collectibles? (Well, I’ve known the answer for years, but check this out…) Just ran across this article on about a vintage video game collector who sold a giant collection of video games for $1.2 Million on eBay! ARTICLE LINK: This French …

Vintage Video Game Collection Sells For Over $1 Million! Read More »

Winning the Storage Wars – How to Use My “Pyramid of Value” to Make Money with Storage Auctions

Hi, this is Dave Espino with and in today’s storage auction tip of the day, I want to share with you what I call my “Pyramid of Value” concept. The pyramid of value concept is really simple.

Let’s say you just bought a storage unit and you’re very excited to dig through all the boxes, dig through the storage unit to find all the stuff that you bought. Now, what you want to do is you want to sort those items based on what I call my Pyramid of Value.

And the reason I called it a pyramid is because at the very top you’ve got the high value antiques and collectibles. (And usually there are less of those than everything else, right?) But those are the high value items that you want to set aside very carefully, maybe do some research on them and then determine where’s the best place to sell those items to squeeze the most profit out of them.

That’s where you’re going to make probably the lion’s share of your profit – is at the very top of the pyramid.

Now the second place is collectibles, maybe they’re not as high value collectibles and items that are brand new in-the-box. Items that are brand new or in the box are awesome because there are particular ways you can sell these brand new items very, very easily without having to take a lot of your time. It’s almost remote control profits – it’s so awesome to sell these brand new items in the box. So that’s your second level of the pyramid.

The third level of the pyramid is larger, high-value items and larger, high-value collectibles. I’m talking about things like antique furniture. These are items that are a little bit bulkier, a little harder to move but they still retain really good value.

So, those items you want to sell in a completely different venue than the other two levels in the pyramid. You see what I’m saying? Because you’re going to use a completely different marketplace and and even a different way to sell those items.

The fourth level is large, common household items. Were talking about a stove, were talking about a refrigerator, things like that are large common household items. They’re sellable, but they’re bulky. So there’s a whole different place and a whole different way to sell those items so that you reduce the amount of effort that you have to use in turning those into a profit and so that you sell them quickly.

And then there’s another level in the pyramid (towards the bottom) and that is: common items that are worth fifteen dollars or more. Common items that are worth fifteen dollars or more are sold in a different marketplace altogether and we need to be aware that this is a good marketplace for these types of items.

Then, at the very bottom of the pyramid you’ve got common items that are worth fifteen dollars or less. Now these are kind of the “bottom-of-the-barrel” items, but you’ll be amazed at how many of these items are going to still make you money that will add to your overall profit in the value pyramid.

So, that’s my Pyramid of Value concept! Now, in every one of these levels there is a right place and a wrong place to sell these items. To squeeze the most out of those items and get the most out of that storage unit for yourself. And I’ll teach you all these things in my video training called ‘Insider Secrets to Making Money with Storage Auctions.’

I mean, I go into full blown detail on the absolute best places to sell every type of item that you might find in a storage unit, to squeeze the most money out of those items because it’s not just about spending as little as possible on that storage unit, it’s also about getting as much as possible out of that storage unit!

So to check out my full blown video training all about storage auctions, visit . It’s an amazing course and it’s dramatically discounted for you right now. So visit to learn all about it!

Win the Storage Wars – The “Magical Transformation” When You Win A GREAT Storage Unit!

Hi this is Dave Espino with and in today’s “storage auction tip of the day” I want to talk about the magical transformation that happens as soon as you buy a winning storage unit. You know, it has happened so many times I’ll invest a few hundred bucks – maybe two hundred dollars to buy a storage unit that’s worth three or four thousand dollars!

And that’s the magical transformation; the fact that you were able to buy thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, for just a few hundred dollars. You were able to buy merchandise for only a hundred dollars. Suddenly you’re three or four thousand dollars richer!

Now, you can literally take that merchandise and flip it on eBay or flip it on Amazon and make money immediately. You can make money the same day!

As soon as you get that storage unit and possession of that storage unit you are able to take that stuff and flip it and sell it. So, the initial minimal risk that you take for a few hundred dollars to actually buy that storage unit is returned to you very quickly, if you know what you’re doing.

So, that’s today’s storage auction tip of the day. I just wanted to share with you that it’s so awesome to be able to turn two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars and to make thousands of dollars and you can flip that stuff very quickly.

So, to learn more and to get a free report called storage auction secrets, just visit and check us out on Facebook as well because we’re going to be posting a lot more videos at

New – How To Make Money On Facebook Video Series – FREE!

I’ve just completed a cool video series all about making money with Facebook.

In this series, I show you:

  • Facebook pages I’ve created for local businesses
  • An example of a profitable Facebook Ads campaign I did as an affiliate and
  • How to use Facebook Ads to target your prime customers / clients

Check it out at the link below and be sure to leave a comment, like and subscribe to my new YouTube Channel!

Link to Facebook Rockstar video series:

Win the Storage Wars – Does This Ninja Secret Let You PREDICT What’s Inside A Storage Unit?

Hey! This is Dave Espino with and I have a few questions for you today. Wouldn’t it be great if you could find out what type of person rented a storage unit before you went to that auction to bid on that unit?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could predict what was inside the storage unit based on just a little bit of previous knowledge?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you knew that a unit could possibly contain business inventory? Imagine knowing about tons and tons of brand new merchandise (before they even opened the door) and if you knew this ahead of time – before going into the auction?

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what type of merchandise you’re likely to find, based on some clues that you knew about ahead of time?

Well, there IS a way to do all of this!

It almost feels like you’re psychic because you can know ahead of time, before you go to the auction, what you’re likely to find in that storage unit. It’s awesome!

It’s a ninja strategy that I teach in my new course called “Insider Secrets To Making Money With Storage Auctions” and you can find the course at

While you’re there, be sure to pick up your free eBook called “Storage Auction Secrets”.

Be sure to check out this video course because I go “A to Z” on how to make money with storage auctions.

I mean we break every single aspect of it down…

  • How to make money with storage auctions.
  • How to squeeze the most out of your storage auction purchase.
  • How to pay the least amount possible.
  • How to develop a great bidding strategy.

The bottom line is: how to WIN at storage unit auctions.

Check it out at

How to Find Storage Auctions – Storage Auctions in Your City

Hey, this is Dave Espino with storage auctions training and I want to share with you one of the questions that people ask the most about storage auctions and that is, “How can I find these storage auctions in my area” or “where do I find these storage auctions in my area?”

So I want to give you a couple of answers today. There are even more answers in my training course but I do want to share some of the answers that we have here today.

I subscribe to a publication called Storage Auction News. Now, storage auction news has been around forever. In fact, I’ve been a subscriber there for 11 years now. And what they do is they have this pink sheet (actually several sheets) that is mailed out to you and it’s Storage Auction News, it will literally tell you all the storage auctions happening in your area. The one I subscribe to happens to be for Southern California and as you can see here, this is tomorrow’s auctions, starting Wednesday all the way through to here, almost the entire page – all happening tomorrow in one day.

So that shows how many storage auctions are happening right now in the Southern California area. We’ve circled a couple here, we’ve circled Laguna Niguel, San Clemente, Costa Mesa, Laguna Hills, there’s an auction in Burbank we might check out. There’s Aliso Viejo, Laguna Woods, Laguna Hills and then there’s some down near Santa Monica and Venice and there’s Irvine, Lake Forest and Santa Monica. You’ve got a good range and some of these are the ones that we’re going to.

What we do is we create an itinerary and follow from one city to the next city.

Now, at each one of these facilities, there can be anywhere from 1 to 22 units being auctioned off – or even more depending on the facility – so that creates huge opportunity for you to be able to attend storage auctions on a constant basis. So that’s one way that you can actually find about them.

This sheet is actually only for Southern California auctions. They also have a Northern California option.

Now, in the old days, it was difficult to find out where the storage auctions were. You’d have to get out the Yellow Pages book. Then, you’d have to call all your local self-storage facilities in the area. And it was kind of difficult. It was a lot of manual labor, just labor intensive.

Nowadays, I’ve developed about eight different ways that you could find storage auctions in your local area – in my “Insider Secrets to Making Money with Storage Auctions” new video course.

My new video course has four and a half hours of training on how to make money with storage auctions. Everything from profiling units, everything from what to look for in the units, everything from how to buy low and sell for the absolute highest amount of money is all included in my video training.

If you want to take a look at that course, just visit

I wish you tons of success in your storage auction adventure!

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