Entrepeneur & Marketing Coach
Dave Espino has been an entrepreneur all his life, beginning his entrepreneurial life in a small business that his parents started when he was 7 years old.

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Dave Espino’s Personal Development Tip – Stay In Business Long Enough To Build A Business
This is a lesson that most entrepreneurs need to learn early on.
The first rule of business is to stay in business long enough to build a business.
What this means is that, if you’re going to be in business, you need to develop persistence and tenacity – the ability to keep on going through any difficult times that may arise.
You see, starting a business is no different than other long-term commitments you might make – in terms of the commitment involved.
For example, many people give up on a weight loss program way before they start to see its benefits.
Your ability to stay engaged and committed in your internet business is one of the biggest keys to making it.
Too many people give up too soon and fail to see the rewards that were waiting for them on the other side!
I believe there are several reasons for this:
Lack of a clear, bold vision
It’s clear to me that winners have a big, bold vision for where they want to go with their eBay business.
If you don’t have a big enough or clear enough vision for what you’re trying to accomplish, it will be difficult to work your way through the tough times.
I’ve been involved in many businesses, and when I’ve seen people quit, it’s usually because their current “reality” is bigger (to them) than their vision for their business. It’s too bad when this happens, because most of this “reality” is in their mind, not in their reality!
They simply weren’t able to get their mind to see the big vision they needed in order to be successful.
So by having a clear bold vision, and keeping that vision firmly in your mind, you’ll have enough strength to get through the difficult times.
Not understanding the “how to”
Winners understand the how-to, or at least they make sure to learn the fundamentals of the business they’re getting involved in.
Sometimes people give up and fail because they don’t understand the “how-to’s”, or the basics of how to build their business. This causes discouragement and discouragement leads to quitting.
In my new video training: “How To eBay Your Way To Fast Cash”, you now have a complete blueprint; a complete set of “how-to’s” that will show you exactly how to make money on eBay and craigslist. So there’s no excuse – if you don’t know how to do eBay or craigslist, you will when you own my new eBay video training!
Not having a solid support network
Many successful people have had mentors in their lives. This is another key to success! And while it’s not always possible to have a mentor, you can “self-mentor” by listening to positive audios and watching positive videos of successful people who’ve already made it to where YOU want to be in business and in life.
I cannot emphasize this enough. The truth is; you are who you hang out with, so make it a point to hang out with successful people, with leaders, with winners and very soon you, too, will be one of these successful people.
I didn’t have a personal mentor on my way up, so I had to learn the hard way. But ever since I was 19, I’ve read about, studied from and listened to successful people on CD and on video. And this has helped me to build a clear context and philosophy for success and to develop a true understanding of what it takes to be successful in business, by learning from others who have succeeded.
By using these success tips and not forgetting to put in some hard work at both your attitude and your actions, you too, will be successful!
Dave Espino’s Craigslist Tip – Being A Craigslist Broker
A creative way to use Craigslist to make money is to simply act as a broker, or a middleman in a transaction.
Every day there are people looking for particular products on Craigslist.
In fact, these people are often advertising under the “for sale / wanted” category of Craigslist.
Now, this might sound really strange, but did you know that, every day there are people selling that exact same product on Craigslist?
(Sometimes they’re actually giving away that product on craigslist in the “free” category)
By acting as a broker or a middleman, you can earn finders fees, commissions, or participate in the deal in some other way. This is really only limited by your imagination.
A great way to find those products is to use the ad notification system that I teach you about in my new video training: “How To eBay Your Way To Fast Cash”.
By simply setting up your system to notify you of these products that people are searching for in the “wanted” section of craigslist, you can very easily build an automatic income stream.
As soon as that item pops up on Craigslist, you will be there first, and you can contact the person who is looking for it (in the wanted section) and let them know about it in exchange for a commission.
The other way to do it, is to actually go buy that product, and then resell it to the person as well.
Recently, I have been using Escrow.com to buy collections of vintage Hot Wheels. You can also use Escrow.com to “tie up” that item and that way the seller is committed to selling it to you BEFORE you go ahead and contact the eventual buyer for this item.
Taking this to a bigger level, you can use this in real estate to help agents find “for sale by owner” properties.
Or you can help a boat dealer acquire a customer who’s trying to sell his or her boat.
The number of ways to make money with craigslist is almost limitless because of the sheer number of categories that exist on craigslist.
I recommend that you check out my eBay and craigslist video training if you want to learn how to make GREAT MONEY on Craigslist!
You can do it! You just need to know how and I will teach you how! Visit: www.DaveEspinoFastCash.com to learn how to make fast cash on eBay and Craigslist.
Dave Espino’s Craigslist Tip – Selling “As Seen On TV” Products
One of my product sources / suppliers sells “As Seen On TV” products.
This is a great product to sell on craigslist, because of the huge TV exposure that these products get. Recently, I’ve been selling fitness and weight loss products on craigslist.
Because of the huge amount of TV exposure these products get, I’ve been doing great with these types of products.
Many people see a product on TV, and then go straight to craigslist or eBay to try and find that product at a cheaper price
If you’re able to find a source of products that are sold via TV commercials or even infomercials, you may have a little gold mine on your hands.
That’s because these are the types of products that craigslist buyers are looking for on a daily basis, and if you run a listing for that type of product – a good professional-looking listing – you’re bound to make a large number of sales.
And, as you know, craigslist sales are great because people come to you and they pay you in cash – so there’s no shipping involved!
So here’s today’s Craigslist Tip:
“Finding suppliers of TV-promoted products (or other extremely popular products) is a great way to sell items on craigslist because these are exactly the type of products people are looking for on craigslist”
So do some research on products that would sell well in your local area craigslist.
You may even find that you can buy wholesale lots on eBay and sell them on craigslist for more money!
In fact, I devote an entire section of my new video training course to making money with Craigslist.
Visit: www.DaveEspinoFastCash.com to see how you can make some great, profitable, quick-flip deals on Craigslist!
Dave Espino’s eBay Tip – Develop Multiple Streams Of Income
This month’s eBay tip comes from my experience as an eBay seller for over 12 years.
Here’s the tip:
“Be sure to develop multiple product sources, and therefore multiple streams of income on eBay. You never know when one supplier will run out of merchandise and it’s always best to have several options that you can tap into in your eBay business”
I remember once (early in my eBay business) when I was relying on one supplier for all of my products.
I was doing great and selling about $8,000 a month of this one product, when all of a sudden my supplier told me they had run out of inventory and they wouldn’t have new inventory until three weeks later.
Well, this affected my eBay business pretty dramatically back then because my cash flow suddenly stopped, and I couldn’t replenish or continue to ramp up my eBay sales.
It was then that I learned (the hard way) that I should maintain multiple product suppliers, and therefore multiple streams of income on eBay.
It’s what I recommend you do, by digging into my new video training (“How To eBay Your Way To Fast Cash”) and finding multiple product sources that excite you and that you can make money with.
Not only will you not have any unexpected surprises, but you will build a more solid and stable eBay business as a result!